This is an test version of a new word game called SpinIt and I'd love your feedback on the concept and the gameplay.
As this is a test version, you will need to manually reload to see the updated puzzle.
Each difficulty level has a different word set, so you can play all of them on the same day without spoilers.
For the impossible version we don't give you a word list and we don't highliight any letters. Good luck finding the five hidden words, you'll need it!
For the difficult version we don't give you a word list! To help you, the highlighted letters with the yellow border are the first letters of the hidden words that are in normal reading order. You need to work out what the words are yourself! This video on Vimeo shows how the difficult version of the game works:
For the medium difficulty version we don't give you a word list! To help you, the highlighted letters with the yellow border are the first letters of the hidden words that are in normal reading order. The second highlighted letter for each word is randomly chosen from that word. You need to work out what the words are yourself! This video on Vimeo shows how the difficult version of the game works, which is the same as the medium version but with just the first letter highlighted:
For the easy version of the game we give you the 5 words that need to be found (in no particular order). This video on Vimeo shows how the easy version of the game works:
Got any feedback about SpinIt? I'd love to hear what you think. Drop me a line over email on